Why Come to the Summit?

In considering that question, I'm tempted to reword it: "What is it about the Insight Summit that makes it important for me to attend?" And then again, "What do I love about attending the Insight Summit?"

I learn. A lot. Actually, I end up feeling like a more equipped version of myself. I find myself with really good people at these Summits, all of us ordinary in our extraordinary ways. They're the kinds of people who take a day off in North America or who stay up late in New Zealand, Spain, Israel or Ireland to attend these sessions so they can make a difference wherever they are. There's a quality of our presence together that I find energizing. I'd call it a mix of focused curiosity, respect, a willingness to listen, ask critical questions, and get engaged more expansively.

I have a sense that this Summit will be particularly wonderful. We'll get to think together about how to apply lessons from experienced peace builders to our own local spaces, including how they wrestle with cross-cultural challenges and struggles of privilege and power. We'll experience a podcast style storytelling event with a talented artist/writer/director. We'll be able to choose from different workshops that will help us dive deeper into practical applications and skills. And so there's no other option but to grow. And that's what I love.

On a practical note: Although I'm experiencing Zoom fatigue, I found the last Summit manageable and well-paced, lasting only about eight hours over two days. All the fees go into supporting ICI, our Insight community of practice, and discounts are available to those who need one.

So that's why I'm putting in all this time to help organize the Summit, and why I hope you'll choose to attend. For the Summit to be a rich ecosystem of learning, your presence is needed - in whatever way you can participate.

With much appreciation,

