A Message from the Founders
Three months ago we launched Insight Collaborations International. Our aspiration was to connect the thinkers and doers in the world who were using the Insight approach to create meaningful, peaceable change.
The Insight approach calls endeavors like these—endeavors that put structure and systems to an idea in a recurring way—goods of order. This is a term from Lonergan, and it means an ordered or (somewhat) organized “set-up” that is intended to produce, or make, or achieve something again and again.
I love that Lonergan describes these goods of orders as set ups, because it directs our attention to the fact that systems and structures and institutions and organizations and intentional communities like our own are made— are set up— by people. They require a vision and intention, spurred by a valuing that the vision and intention is worthwhile, and a decision to carry it out. So, while structural, goods of order are inherently personal. They only come into being and are only sustained in their existence by the decisions that people make together.
Our aspiration to set up ICI has become a reality. Hurray! We have put our good of order in motion. And this is thanks to all of you who have recognized in your own valuing that ICI as a community that connects us around Insight is worthwhile and you have decided to show up, come together and support this work so that it can continue.
We are humbled and grateful, and still aspiring and still building. Thank you for being part of this community and growing together.
Written by Megan Price