Calendar of Events

Events are live via Zoom and listed in Eastern Time

Series: Intro to Journaling with Insight

Series: Intro to Journaling with Insight

Join Megan Price for this three-part series to learn about how to cultivate foundational insight skills through an introduction to Insight Journaling. 

Insight, at its core, is a method of self-understanding and discovery which draws on curiosity as its central tool, and prepares us to be authentically curious about others. Cultivating this curiosity benefits from the practice of regular reflection on ourselves as we go about our experiences of daily life. 

In this series you will be guided through questions, prompts and discussion towards developing a practice of Insight Journaling to engage regularly in reflection towards self-understanding and the growth of curiosity. 

$75 CAD (approx. $60 USD)  -  Free for ICI Members! Enter member code at checkout.

Date Change: January 17th, 25th, and 31st, 2023 from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. ET / 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. PT via Zoom

Series: Intro to Journaling with Insight
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Storysharing - Game Changer: How Insight Transformed the Way I Work

Storysharing - Game Changer: How Insight Transformed the Way I Work

Hear stories from professionals and share your own on how using Insight makes a difference in how we work and live.

December 6, 2022 7pm ET/ 4pm PT via Zoom.

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Post-Summit Debrief

Post-Summit Debrief

After another wonderful gathering at this year’s summit, we would like to come back together for a visioning session for all of you who might be interested in diving into an exploration of how ICI can be meaningful to you in your lives moving forward - we want to hear from you and to dream together about the next steps for ICI. Led by Vieve Radha Price.
November 9, 2022 7pm ET/ 4pm PT via Zoom.

Post-Summit Debrief
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Series: Insight Approach to Spiritual Experiencing

Series: Insight Approach to Spiritual Experiencing

All approaches to personal and social change – the Insight approach among them – are oriented by a theory of change, an account that seeks to explain how things change and why they do. So as Kurt Lewin famously said, if your goal is to understand how to change something “there is nothing as practical as a good theory.”

In conversation with session participants and each other, Marnie Jull and Jamie Price will explore the following set of questions:

· What is the Insight theory of change?

· Is it a good theory?

· Why so?

· What practical difference does it make for Insight practitioners to have this theory in mind as they go about their efforts to make positive change in their area of practice?

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Adventures in Listening

Adventures in Listening

How (and why) do we “listen to the listener” as Insight practitioners?

In this event, Jacinta Gallant will facilitate a discussion about “adventures in listening” - which will include listening/not listening, noticing/not noticing, interpretations/misinterpretations and the humble skill of seeking to verify interpretation.

October 17, 2022 3pm ET/ 12pm PT via Zoom.

Adventures in Listening
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Series: Practicing Insight Mediation Skills with Cheryl Picard

Series: Practicing Insight Mediation Skills with Cheryl Picard

Work with Cheryl Picard, master mediator and pioneer of the Insight approach, to refine core Insight Mediation skills that will help you effectively facilitate conversations between conflicting parties. 

Through three 1-hour sessions, learn and strengthen skills that will help you get curious about threats and decisions to defend, listen effectively, and unlock communication between parties for new paths forward. 

Take advantage of the opportunity to partner with other participants to practice skills and deepen your ability.

$75 CAD (approx. $60 USD)  -  Free for ICI Members! Enter member code at checkout.

October 12th, 19th, and 26th, 2022 from 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. ET / 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. PT via Zoom

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2022 Insight Summit

2022 Insight Summit

2022 Annual Insight Summit

Why so curious?

Curiosity didn’t kill the cat you know. That’s just a threat narrative spread abroad by powers that don’t want to be questioned. Sometimes we are those powers. But as you well know, the cultivation of curiosity – the drive for transparency and understanding – is the lynchpin of the Insight approach in all its manifestations, each of which requires courage and self-transcendence. This is the core virtue of all practitioners of the Insight approach.

So get curious! Whether you are new to Insight or an old hand there’s always more to understand – especially in a community that welcomes questions. Join us online for the 4 th Annual insight Summit on September 29 and 30.

Join us to critically engage and celebrate the role of curiosity in mediation, body work, justice, story telling, indigenous world views, artistry and spirituality.

The Insight Summit is an annual event to gather the Insight community through enlivening presentations, conversations and practice. The Summit connects international practitioners, educators and scholars through thoughtfully designed sessions devoted to themes and topics of interest to the Insight community.

30% discount for ICI Members - use the code included in your welcome email. If you have trouble finding it, email us!

This year, we are offering non-profit groups a discount on a bundle of 6 registrations. Click here to purchase.

September 29th - 30th, 2022 from 11:30am - 5:00pm ET / 8:30am - 2:00pm PT, via Zoom.

2022 Insight Summit
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Exploring Conflict Systems

Exploring Conflict Systems

In this session explore with Jamie Price and Megan Price the how systems and our roles within them carry our consciousness as we engage and disengage in conflict. Learn key terms and think through how they open avenues for discovery as we apply them to real life conflict scenarios.
September 15, 2022 6pm ET/ 3pm PT via Zoom.

Exploring Conflict Systems
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Insight Mediation in Practice: How Insight Makes a Difference in Intergenerational Mediation

Insight Mediation in Practice: How Insight Makes a Difference in Intergenerational Mediation

In these days of uncertainty, intergenerational conflict often occurs as families come face to face with the myriad issues of aging. Join Elizabeth Sterritt for a stimulating exploration of how the Insight approach assists families in their desire to nurture relationships.

August 24, 2022 3pm ET/ 12pm PT via Zoom

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Engaging Conflict in the Moment

Engaging Conflict in the Moment

What do you do when someone is angry or upset with you or what you’ve asked them to do? How do you respond to conflict behavior in the moment in a way that leverages curiosity rather than defense? In this session Megan Price will work with you to explore how to recognize conflict behavior and three steps for engaging it with curiosity. We’ll also discuss how our roles and contexts make a difference.
July 18, 2022 2pm ET/ 11pm PT via Zoom.

Engaging Conflict in the Moment
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Series: Getting Started with Insight Mediation

Series: Getting Started with Insight Mediation

Join Jacinta Gallant for a three-part learning series about how to get started with Insight Mediation.

  • Part I: What are we doing that’s so different when we mediate with Insight?  What do we need to learn - and unlearn -  to be highly effective Insight practitioners. In this first session, we will focus on noticing, transparency and role. 

  • Part II: OK, I’m noticing… now what?! As Insight mediators, our noticing leads us to choose how we respond. In this second session, we will focus on how Insight skills can help us be productive and responsive during moments of conflict and also when communication between parties is going pretty well. 

  • Part III: Keeping cares on the table. As Insight mediators, we want to facilitate dialogue by discovering threats. How do we use what is learned to help parties make decisions about their future that they are satisfied with?

$120 CAD (approx. $100 USD)  -  30% discount for ICI Members!

June 8th, 15th, and 22nd, 2022 from 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT via Zoom

Series: Getting Started with Insight Mediation
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Story Making with Insight Artistry

Story Making with Insight Artistry

In this practice session, Vieve Radha Price will model how to engage Insight artistry to create story. Building on the ICI storytelling sessions, we will spend time learning a few of the most salient elements of building a story using Insight artistry and participants will have an opportunity to collectively build a story using the method.
June 7, 2022 4pm ET/ 1pm PT via Zoom.

Story making with Insight Artistry
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From a Clash of Positions to an Encounter of Persons

From a Clash of Positions to an Encounter of Persons

Get curious about certainty as we talk with panelists about a polarizing issue and how the Insight Approach can help to expand understanding in a non-contentious way and open new possibilities for engaging.
May 10, 2022 7pm ET/ 4pm PT via Zoom.

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What is the Insight Approach?

What is the Insight Approach?

Have you heard of the Insight Approach but are wondering what it is, what makes it different and how it works to engage and resolve conflict? Join us for an introduction to the Insight Approach with ICI founders. Bring your questions!

April 20, 2022 5pm ET/ 2pm PT via Zoom.

What is the Insight Approach?
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Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Insight Mediation Skills

Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Insight Mediation Skills

Cheryl Picard, master mediator and founder of the Insight approach, takes you deeper into the Insight mediation skills that promote discovery and change. Refine your understanding and enhance your practice in this interactive skills-session.

April 6, 2022 6pm ET/ 3pm PT via Zoom.

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Challenges and Opportunities in Practice

Challenges and Opportunities in Practice

Join Jacinta Gallant to discuss the rewards and the challenges of bringing Insight into professional practice. Jacinta will share her “before and after” experience with Insight, as well as some tips on “how to make a living” using Insight. Come with your own stories and experiences as we discover, together, the opportunities arising from our challenges.

March 10, 2022 12pm ET/ 9am PT via Zoom.

Challenges and Opportunities in Practice
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Insight Theory of Change

Insight Theory of Change

All approaches to personal and social change – the Insight approach among them – are oriented by a theory of change, an account that seeks to explain how things change and why they do. So as Kurt Lewin famously said, if your goal is to understand how to change something “there is nothing as practical as a good theory.”

In conversation with session participants and each other, Marnie Jull and Jamie Price will explore the following set of questions:

· What is the Insight theory of change?

· Is it a good theory?

· Why so?

· What practical difference does it make for Insight practitioners to have this theory in mind as they go about their efforts to make positive change in their area of practice?

February 10, 2022 7pm ET/ 4pm PT via Zoom.

Insight Theory of Change
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Insight Storytelling with Chuk Obasi

Insight Storytelling with Chuk Obasi

Listen to a riveting and inspiring story from Insight artist and storyteller Chuk Obasi as he unleashes the transformative power of being heard. Learn about his creative process - how he uses Insight conversations to elicit the depth of his subjects. See where the turns of interiority take place, and how you can heighten your awareness of it in your daily life. January 10, 2022 7pm ET/ 4pm PT via Zoom.

Insight Storytelling with Chuk Obasi
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Game Changer: How Insight Transformed the way I work

Game Changer: How Insight Transformed the way I work

Hear stories from professionals who are using Insight in their work every day and how it makes an impact.

Special guests include:

Sarah Wharton, A New York-based writer, actor and producer, and a member of the Insight Artists Collective

Sabina Smith, Senior Bylaw Enforcement Officer for the town of Whistler, B.C. and a coach for Insight Policing.

December 14, 2021 7pm ET / 4pm PT via Zoom

Watch Sarah in this trailer for American Insurrection:

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Connect! Post-Summit Debrief

Connect! Post-Summit Debrief

A session for connection. Let’s join together to debrief the Insight Summit, critically engage the Insight approach to conflict, creativity, collaboration and change-making and connect with one another. November 16, 7pm-8pm ET / 4pm-5pm PT via Zoom.

Connect! Post-Summit Debrief
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Creativity in Insight

Creativity in Insight

Vieve Radha Price and Jacinta Gallant discuss the power of Insight in accessing and expressing creativity. October 12, 2021, 5pm ET / 2pm PT via Zoom.

Creativity in Insight
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Facilitating Insights: Why Do we do what we do?

Facilitating Insights: Why Do we do what we do?

Join Dr. Cheryl Picard, one of the early pioneers of the Insight approach to conflict and mediation who inspired a generation of Insight mediators with her dynamic teaching presence and astute focus on skill-development, and Dr. Kenneth Melchin, a renowned scholar of Bernard Lonergan, whose work on Insight led to the development of the Insight approach, in discussion on Insight Mediation. September 14, 2021 7pm ET / 4pm PT via Zoom

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Understanding Broken Systems Pt.2

Understanding Broken Systems Pt.2

Back by popular demand, join Drs. Marnie Jull and Megan Price in conversation on how we use the Insight approach to understand broken systems that lead to social conflict in a way that opens up new possibilities for engagement and change. This conversation will focus on carriers of consciousness. You don’t have to have attended Pt. 1 to attend this event! September 2, 2021, 7pm ET/4pm PT via Zoom

Understanding Broken Systems
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August Member mixer

August Member mixer

Member Mixer is a free monthly event for the ICI community. This is a time and a place for us to come together, chat about how we use Insight in our work and in our lives, make connections, and grow as a community.

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Interested in learning more about the Insight approach? Would like to find out how ICI can help you grow your understanding and practice of Insight? Or just curious to meet some of the members? Come to the Open House! It will be an informal event with a short presentation and a time to ask questions and meet others.

Here is the zoom link to join:

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July Member mixer

You asked, we listened! A new monthly event is coming to the ICI community. Known as a Member Mixer, we are setting a time and a place for us to come together, chat about how we use Insight in our work and in our lives, make connections, and grow as a community.

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Understanding Broken Systems

How do we use the Insight approach to understand broken systems that lead to social conflict in a way that opens up new possibilities for engagement and change? A conversation with Megan Price and Marnie Jull. July 13, 2021, 7pm ET/4pm PT via Zoom

Understanding Broken Systems
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Member mixer

You asked, we listened! A new monthly event is coming to the ICI community. Known as a Member Mixer, we are setting a time and a place for us to come together, chat about how we use Insight in our work and in our lives, make connections, and grow as a community.

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Leadership from the Insight Approach

What is leadership from the Insight approach and how can you cultivate it for adaptability and positive change? A conversation between Marnie Jull and Jamie Price. June 8, 2021, 7pm ET/4pm PT via Zoom.

Leadership from the Insight Approach
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